The Life-centred Design Guide
Align your project, team, and business with global goals to create more regenerative and socially just products
Life-centred design is a regenerative and globally-inclusive framework synching responsible businesses and designers with global goals to design physical and digital products and services that re-nourish
the planet and foster fair and diverse ways of being.
Life-centred design is still emerging, however, so awareness of it is low, those who practise it are few, how it is practised varies, and hybridisation of physical and digital product design strategies is nascent.
With a focus on product design (physical and digital), the guide aims to empower micro-level designers (UX, service, engineers) with awareness, mindsets, and skills to start making change from the ground up. Decision-makers should read it, too!
- A summary of various approaches
- A ‘Future Snapshot’ framework speculating the future of life-centred design by merging current variations
- Introductions to 11 supporting practices (Circular design, biomimicry, systems thinking, interspecies design, and more)
- Learning exercises
- Free access to the Life-centred Design Hub with tools and resources
Life-centred design gives designers the skills and mindsets to respond to today’s wicked problems in tangible, practical, and measurable ways, transforming fears and frustrations into active hope.
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More from Damien
Damien Lutz is a UX Designer/Researcher, author of The Life-centred Design Guide, Future Scouting, and two sci-fi novels, and creator of and
Follow Damien on Medium for more fringe design thinking and experiments.